It is ironic but I've downloaded the VLC MEDIA ''PLAYER'' three years ago and up to date I couldn ''play'' any DVD or CD using the player.For me to imagine playing them through VLC is science fiction.
The program I have downloaded at all times (updates) I feel that they were incomplete because even if I updated versions the result was the same even with the last 1.1.4 version.
First the ''player'' takes no notice that a disk has been inserted in my computer and then when I try to locate it mannually,when I open the disk,a legend apears that VLC IS INCAPABLE OF OPENING THE M.R.L. (MEDIA RESOURCE LOCATOR) so I remain barehanded without having played my DVD or CD.
I find that the VIDEOLAN TEAM IS DISTRIBUTING WORLDWIDE AN INCOMPLETE PROGRAM (the complete one is only in their computers and in those of their families and friends).
I find that this incapability disqualifies VLC as a Media Player to diminish it to only as a ''FILE READER''(fantastic for flv files only).
If this section of the forum is visited by developers I hope that they will fix this MAJOR BUG,AND TRY IN THE FUTURE VERSIONS TO COMPLETE THE PROGRAM.THANKS A LOT.