Postby feagles » 31 Aug 2010 22:32
Hopefully this is what you are after (apologies if it is not - you may need to explain in more detail what I need to do)
main debug: starting new item
main debug: processing request item MVI_0091.MOV node Playlist skip 0
main debug: resyncing on MVI_0091.MOV
main debug: MVI_0091.MOV is at 0
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for 'MVI_0091.MOV'
main debug: waiting for thread initialization
main debug: thread started
main debug: thread 5320 (input) created at priority 1 (input/input.c:368)
qt4 debug: Updating the stream status: 3
main debug: `C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV' gives access `' demux `' path `C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV'
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV'
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: creating access '' path='C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV'
main debug: looking for access module: 5 candidates
vcd debug: trying .cue file: C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.cue
vcd debug: could not find .cue file
access_file debug: opening file `C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV'
main debug: using access module "access_file"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 8.000 ms - Total 8.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 8.000 ms)
main debug: Using AStream*Stream
main debug: pre-buffering...
main debug: received first data for our buffer
main debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 343903 kbytes/s
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV'
main debug: looking for demux module: 59 candidates
mp4 debug: found Box: ftyp size 24
mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 39346100
mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"
mp4 debug: found Box: moov size 4405
mp4 debug: found Box: mvhd size 108
mp4 debug: read box: "mvhd" creation 733933d-20h:30m:30s modification 733933d-20h:30m:30s time scale 30000 duration 694977d-48h:00m:05s rate 1.000000 volume 1.000000 next track id 3
mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 3739
mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 733933d-20h:30m:30s modification 733933d-20h:30m:30s duration 694981d-35h:03m:05s track ID 1 layer 0 volume 0.000000 width 1280.000000 height 720.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 3639
mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 733933d-20h:30m:30s modification 733933d-20h:30m:30s time scale 30000 duration 694981d-35h:03m:05s language ```
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type vide name
mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 3566
mp4 debug: found Box: vmhd size 20
mp4 debug: read box: "vmhd" graphics-mode 0 opcolor (0, 0, 0)
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type alis name
mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28
mp4 debug: found Box: alis size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type alis (incompletely loaded)
mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 3469
mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 173
mp4 debug: found Box: avc1 size 157
mp4 debug: found Box: colr size 18
mp4 warning: unknown box type colr (incompletely loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: gama size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type gama (incompletely loaded)
mp4 debug: found Box: avcC size 37
mp4 debug: read box: "avcC" version=1 profile=0x42 level=0x29 length size=4 sps=1 pps=1
mp4 debug: - sps[0] length=14
mp4 debug: - pps[0] length=4
mp4 debug: found an empty box (null size)
mp4 debug: read box: "vide" in stsd 1280x720 depth 24
mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24
mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stss size 120
mp4 debug: read box: "stss" entry-count 26
mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 28
mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 1560
mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 0 sample-count 385
mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 1556
mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 385
mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 518
mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 733933d-20h:30m:30s modification 733933d-20h:30m:30s duration 694981d-35h:03m:05s track ID 2 layer 0 volume 1.000000 width 0.000000 height 0.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 418
mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 733933d-20h:30m:30s modification 733933d-20h:30m:30s time scale 48000 duration 694984d-39h:16m:56s language ```
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type soun name
mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 345
mp4 debug: found Box: smhd size 16
mp4 debug: read box: "smhd" balance 0.000000
mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type alis name
mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36
mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28
mp4 debug: found Box: alis size 12
mp4 warning: unknown box type alis (incompletely loaded)
mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 252
mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 92
mp4 debug: found Box: sowt size 76
mp4 debug: read box: "soun" qt3+ sample/packet=1 bytes/packet=2 bytes/frame=4 bytes/sample=2
mp4 debug: found Box: chan size 24
mp4 warning: unknown box type chan (incompletely loaded)
mp4 debug: read box: "soun" in stsd channel 2 sample size 16 sample rate 48000.000000
mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24
mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 40
mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 2
mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 20
mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 1 sample-count 616616
mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 68
mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 13
mp4 debug: found Box: udta size 32
mp4 debug: found Box: CNCV size 20
mp4 warning: unknown box type CNCV (incompletely loaded)
mp4 warning: cannot read one box
mp4 debug: dumping root Box "root"
mp4 debug: | + ftyp size 24
mp4 debug: | + mdat size 39346100
mp4 debug: | + moov size 4405
mp4 debug: | | + mvhd size 108
mp4 debug: | | + trak size 3739
mp4 debug: | | | + tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: | | | + mdia size 3639
mp4 debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: | | | | + hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: | | | | + minf size 3566
mp4 debug: | | | | | + vmhd size 20
mp4 debug: | | | | | + hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + alis size 12
mp4 debug: | | | | | + stbl size 3469
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 173
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + avc1 size 157
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + colr size 18
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + gama size 12
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + avcC size 37
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stss size 120
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 28
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 1560
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stco size 1556
mp4 debug: | | + trak size 518
mp4 debug: | | | + tkhd size 92
mp4 debug: | | | + mdia size 418
mp4 debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32
mp4 debug: | | | | + hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: | | | | + minf size 345
mp4 debug: | | | | | + smhd size 16
mp4 debug: | | | | | + hdlr size 33
mp4 debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + alis size 12
mp4 debug: | | | | | + stbl size 252
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 92
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + sowt size 76
mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + chan size 24
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 40
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 20
mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stco size 68
mp4 debug: | | + udta size 32
mp4 debug: | | | + CNCV size 20
mp4 debug: unrecognized major file specification (qt ).
mp4 debug: found 2 tracks
mp4 debug: track[Id 0x1] read 385 chunk
mp4 debug: track[Id 0x1] read 385 samples length:12s
main debug: selecting program id=0
mp4 debug: adding track[Id 0x1] video (enable) language en
mp4 debug: track[Id 0x2] read 13 chunk
mp4 debug: track[Id 0x2] read 616616 samples length:12s
mp4 debug: adding track[Id 0x2] audio (enable) language en
main debug: using demux module "mp4"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 4.000 ms - Total 4.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 4.000 ms)
mp4 warning: DEMUX_GET_FPS unimplemented !!
mp4 warning: DEMUX_GET_FPS unimplemented !!
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\
main debug: looking for decoder module: 35 candidates
avcodec debug: libavcodec already initialized
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10)) started
main debug: using decoder module "avcodec"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 3.000 ms - Total 3.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3.000 ms)
main debug: thread 5008 (decoder) created at priority 0 (input/decoder.c:217)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 35 candidates
araw debug: samplerate:48000Hz channels:2 bits/sample:16
main debug: using decoder module "araw"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: thread 5048 (decoder) created at priority 2 (input/decoder.c:217)
main debug: `C:\Documents and Settings\Jamie Whyte\My Documents\My Pictures\2010 - north america\Penticton\MVI_0091.MOV' successfully opened
main debug: thread started
mp4 debug: track[Id 0x1] using Sync Sample Box (stss)
mp4 debug: stts gives 0 --> 0 (sample number)
mp4 debug: track[Id 0x2] does not provide Sync Sample Box (stss)
main debug: no aout present, spawning one
main debug: looking for audio output module: 3 candidates
aout_directx debug: OpenAudio
main debug: control type=1
main debug: thread started
aout_directx debug: found device: Primary Sound Driver
aout_directx debug: found device: Realtek HD Audio output
main debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
main debug: window size: 1280x720
aout_directx debug: device supports 2 channels (DEFAULT!)
aout_directx debug: device supports 2 channels
aout_directx debug: device supports 1 channel
aout_directx debug: Windows says your SpeakerConfig is stereo
aout_directx debug: creating DirectSoundThread
main debug: thread 6240 (DirectSound Notification Thread) created at priority 15 (directx.c:392)
main debug: using audio output module "aout_directx"
main debug: thread started
aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread ready
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 145.000 ms - Total 145.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 145.000 ms)
main debug: output 's16l' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
main debug: mixer 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'s16l' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "converter_float"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates
main debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: input 's16l' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 's16l'->'fl32' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "converter_float"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 52800 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 0.000 ms - Total 0.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.000 ms)
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: looking for video output module: 6 candidates
vout_directx debug: creating DirectXEventThread
main debug: waiting for thread initialization
main debug: thread started
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateWindow
main debug: looking for vout window module: 2 candidates
qt4 debug: waiting for interface...
qt4 debug: requesting window...
qt4 debug: Video was requested -1, -1
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1103
qt4 debug: Updating the stream status: 3
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1108
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1103
qt4 debug: Video is resizing to: 1280 720
main debug: using vout window module "qt4"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 691.000 ms - Total 691.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 691.000 ms)
vout_directx debug: created video sub-window
main debug: thread 6296 (Vout Events Thread) created at priority 0 (directx.c:281)
vout_directx debug: Vout EventThread running
vout_directx debug: DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: directx-device:
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Primary Display Driver, display
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, \\.\DISPLAY1
vout_directx debug: selecting Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, \\.\DISPLAY1
vout_directx debug: screen dimensions (0x0,1024x600)
vout_directx debug: DirectDraw Capabilities: overlay=1 yuvoverlay=1 can_deinterlace_overlay=1 colorkey=1 stretch=1 bltfourcc=1
vout_directx debug: End DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateDisplay
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateClipper
vout_directx debug: disabling screen saver
main debug: using video output module "vout_directx"
main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 961.000 ms - Total 961.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 961.000 ms)
main debug: waiting for thread initialization
main debug: thread started
vout_directx debug: NewPictureVec overlay:yes chroma:YV12
vout_directx debug: YUV overlay created successfully
vout_directx debug: End NewPictureVec (succeeded)
main debug: got 1 direct buffer(s)
main debug: picture in 1280x720 (0,0,1280x720), chroma I420, ar 16:9, sar 1:1
main debug: picture user 1280x720 (0,0,1280x720), chroma I420, ar 16:9, sar 1:1
main debug: picture out 1280x720 (0,0,1280x720), chroma I420, ar 16:9, sar 1:1
main debug: direct render, mapping render pictures 0-6 to system pictures 1-7
main debug: thread 6364 (video output) created at priority 1 (video_output/video_output.c:504)
main warning: late picture skipped (955634)
main warning: late picture skipped (1040267)
qt4 debug: Updating the geometry
main warning: late picture skipped (1099900)
qt4 debug: New Event: type 1109
main warning: late picture skipped (1160534)
main warning: late picture skipped (1225167)
avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
main warning: late picture skipped (3091534)
main warning: late picture skipped (3128167)
main warning: late picture skipped (3188801)
main warning: late picture skipped (3305800)
main warning: late picture skipped (3366434)
avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
main warning: late picture skipped (4659934)
main warning: late picture skipped (4719568)
main warning: late picture skipped (4813567)
main warning: late picture skipped (4874201)
main warning: late picture skipped (4968200)
main debug: EOF reached
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
avcodec error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main warning: late picture skipped (7089500)
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main warning: late picture skipped (7173134)
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main warning: late picture skipped (7233768)
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main warning: late picture skipped (7294402)
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main warning: late picture skipped (7378036)
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main debug: finished input
qt4 debug: Updating the stream status: 8
main debug: dying input
avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10)) stopped
main debug: removing module "avcodec"
main debug: thread ended
main debug: dying input
mp4 debug: freeing all memory
main debug: removing module "mp4"
main debug: removing module "access_file"
main debug: thread times: real 0m20.265625s, kernel 0m0.234375s, user 0m16.968750s
main debug: thread 5008 joined (input/decoder.c:248)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `avc1', 1 PES in FIFO
main debug: dying input
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseSurface
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDisplay
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDisplay clipper
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDisplay display
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseDDraw
main debug: thread ended
main debug: dying input
main debug: thread times: real 0m19.281250s, kernel 0m0.109375s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 6364 joined (video_output/video_output.c:536)
vout_directx debug: CloseVideo
vout_directx debug: DirectXEventThread terminating
vout_directx debug: DirectXCloseWindow
vout_directx debug: WinProc WM_DESTROY
main debug: removing module "qt4"
main debug: thread ended
qt4 debug: Video is not needed anymore
qt4 debug: Updating the geometry
main debug: thread times: real 0m20.250000s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 6296 joined (directx.c:507)
main debug: removing module "vout_directx"
main debug: removing module "araw"
main debug: thread ended
main debug: thread times: real 0m20.406250s, kernel 0m0.109375s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 5048 joined (input/decoder.c:248)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `sowt', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: removing module "converter_float"
main debug: removing module "bandlimited_resampler"
aout_directx debug: closing audio device
aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread exiting
main debug: thread ended
main debug: thread times: real 0m20.296875s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 6240 joined (directx.c:664)
main debug: removing module "aout_directx"
main debug: removing module "converter_float"
main debug: removing module "float32_mixer"
main debug: thread ended
main debug: dead input
main debug: thread times: real 0m20.500000s, kernel 0m0.015625s, user 0m0.015625s
main debug: thread 5320 joined (playlist/engine.c:244)
main debug: TIMER input launching for 'MVI_0091.MOV' : 50.000 ms - Total 50.000 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 50.000 ms)
main debug: starting new item
main debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)
main debug: nothing to play