audio problem again in G5

For questions and discussion that is NOT (I repeat NOT) specific to a certain Operating System.

Postby Guest » 13 Feb 2005 23:31

I had similar problems with my G5 1.8 SP when I was using the interal speaker, and also when I used the G5's stereo minijack to connect it to my stereo power amp (Adcom GFA-555). Most files play fine, but some default to the optical digital output, and I had a hard time changing the output to analog. I discovered the same solution posted here on my own.

However, recently I added an M-Audio FireWire410, with the intention of adding a MIDI keyboard controller later. So now the G5 is outputting via FireWire to the 410, which is connected to my power amp via two 1/4"-to-RCA cables. Now I get no sound whatsoever. Other apps, such as iTunes and QuickTime Player, play sound just fine.

Is there anything I can do about it, or is VLC currently completely incapable of digital audio output?

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Postby disposable2004 » 08 Apr 2005 09:37

yan has distilled the problem and workaround nicely. from my testing, here's what i have found with 0.8.1:

1. i play some mp4s from my hard drive. i'm not sure what the audio encoding is, but they are created by handbrake
-i notice that VLC's preferences->modules->audio output->core audio
goes from "1" (which i set it to) to "0"
2. i play a DVD which has ac3 audio
3. viola! i now get all of the symptoms listed earlier
-if you keep the system preferences window open to Sound->output,
you can see the output line jump from "Line Out" to "Digital Out" as
soon as you play the AC3 audio

1. go to VLC's preferences->modules->audio output->core audio
-change from 0 -> 1
2. shutdown VLC and restart VLC
3. you should now be able to play your AC3 file, even if "Digital Out" is still selected.
4. you can reselect "Line Out" now if you'd like though it seems that iTunes and amadeus do not care which output is set.

[edit -- adding in my config]
dual 2.5 ghz

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Postby essage » 28 Jun 2005 21:30

The VLC Team needs a PowerMac G5 for testing to be able to solve the issue with VLC not supporting the optical SPDIF output. A new donation drive has been initiated and there is a "G5-meter" indicating how much is left before they can buy a new G5. Donate via PayPal and enter PowerMac G5 in comments and the money will go to the new G5.

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Postby Sachy » 23 Sep 2005 15:13

same problem here. G5 connected to a home theatre ... can't get Dolby Digital output.
Me too :cry:

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New Cone
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Re: It has absolutely nothing to do with the G5!!!!!

Postby Sachy » 23 Sep 2005 15:21

After changing the 0 to 1 in coreaudio:

VLC-Preferences-Module-audio output-coreaudio
Set Divice from 0 to 1

Everything worked fine again ...well for now ;O)))

I have done it correctly, it proposes me PCM or A52

When I choose PCM I have stereo sound, and when I choose A52 i don't have any sound...

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