Recording video effects

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Recording video effects

Postby yury » 21 Jun 2010 14:19

Is it possible to record (with VLC) changes to a video such as video effects?
Basically I have a video but the lighting is too dark. I know I can brighten it up using the extended settings in VLC. However, it seems such settings are only for playback. If I press the record button when playing a video with some effects, the effects are not recorded.


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Re: Recording video effects

Postby ebud » 29 Jun 2010 09:25

Is it possible to record (with VLC) changes to a video such as video effects?
Basically I have a video but the lighting is too dark. I know I can brighten it up using the extended settings in VLC. However, it seems such settings are only for playback. If I press the record button when playing a video with some effects, the effects are not recorded.

Hi, I have the same issue as you do as for reading files. I've never tried recording.
And perhaps, you mean "saving" video settings in the extended GUI.

:?: Is there anybody in this forum that have clue about it? :(

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Re: Recording video effects

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 29 Jun 2010 14:21

You need to edit the preferences and save them. You can't do that from the toolbox.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Recording video effects

Postby Addicted2Video » 04 Jul 2010 10:53

I've got the same problem. Here's what it is for you guys that don't understand: When you play a video using VLC, it's possible to record the whole video or segments using the 'record' button on the toolbar. This is a very powerful tool as it appears to use the 'live streaming' method used by other video editors such as VirtualDub. There appears to be no data loss or change at all. On the other hand, it's possible to change the appearance of the video WHILE it's playing, that is, change the color balance, contrast, etc. using the popup 'Adjustments and Effects' window. Unfortunately, when you try to record the video WITH these changes, it doesn't happen. You just get a copy of the original unchanged video. So, the question is: Is there some simple switch we're not seeing that will allow us to save these changes? If there isn't, I would think there should be, because the video engine is going to all the trouble to make the changes. Let's just make it possible to save them. Any help here guys? Many thanks, and love the software.

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Re: Recording video effects

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 05 Jul 2010 00:31

VLC isn't a correct video editor, which explains the issue :D
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