Quicktime streaming problems

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Quicktime streaming problems

Postby gheller » 25 Jun 2010 21:41


I'm not certain this problem isn't platform specific, I only have one platform to test on, but I strongly suspect it is not.

I have a .MOV file produced by a mac program, not sure which, either after effects or adobe premier. It was originally shot on a Canon 5D camera which produces .MOVs. Almost all of the shots have been altered and rendered, but a few have not. Although this file plays smoothly in quicktime for mac and Windows, when VLC comes to a place where the frames switch from rendered frames to non-rendered frames or back again, the stream seems to reset itself. I'm not sure exactly what is gong on, but when playing back this manifests in the playback window disappearing very briefly, and reappearing, and the title of the file being re-displayed and fading away again just as it does when the file first begins to play. When I attempt to use VLC to convert/SAVE this file, it manifests in the output file being truncated to the first instance of the frame switching from rendered to non-rendered frames. I'm guessing the non-rendered frames have passed through the editing process unchanged, while the rendered frames, being produced by the editing program, are somehow slightly different from the frames produced by the camera and this difference is somehow tripping VLC up, though it doesn't trip up Quicktime. The file is large, over 1 GB, but if you have a place I can upload such a file for your testing purposes, please let me know.

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