VLC1.0.3: Flicker in Fullscreen

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 14 Jan 2010 22:50

VLC1.0.3: Flicker in Fullscreen

Postby MaverickZero » 14 Jan 2010 22:57

I just updated to VLC 1.0.3 Goldeneye and I am experiencing some serious flicker when switching to fullscreen.
The video plays normal, but as I move the mouse the control bar shows up and flickers like hell.

I am experiencing this problem only on my Samsung NC10 netbook (Atom 1.6, Intel Mobile 945 Graphic), running WinXP SP3. The problem won't show on my other system, (Athlon II X2, Radeon 43xx) running Win7.

Downgrading to a previous version solves the problem.

Any ideas?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 06 May 2010 14:14

Re: VLC1.0.3: Flicker in Fullscreen

Postby ASo51 » 06 May 2010 14:19

Hit the windows start button-->all programs-->video lan-->quick settings-->"Reset VLC media preferences and cache files". That should fix it. Had the same problem. It will fix alomst any other problem too. Like if you don't even get the full screen controls. Had that too. I'm also on a NC10. YAY

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