full screen gives error

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full screen gives error

Postby bobbens » 07 Mar 2005 18:40

Ok so i run vlc (system = debian sarge linux /w ati drivers and radeon 9600 -> glx = fine) from the console and attempt to load full screen, when i load the movie it says:

Code: Select all

[00000242] main private error: option glx-shm does not exist
when i run fullscreen it crashes and outputs:

Code: Select all

The program '.' recieved an X Window System error. This probably reflects a bug in the program. The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameters attributes)'. (Details: serial 85 error_code 8 request_code 42 minor_code 0) (Note to programmers...
I guess i'm missing a lib or something, anyone have any ideas? I've checked via apt and seem to have all the dependency's in order. Thanks.

EDIT: btw using the latest vlc which is 0.8.1

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Postby xtophe » 07 Mar 2005 20:01

main private error: option glx-shm does not exist
That's not really an error and it's fixed in the development version.
when i run fullscreen it crashes and outputs
Some others people have reported the same thing. Does it happen only with glx or also with xvideo or x11 ?
It might be link to your windows manager. Which one are you using ?
If you have the opportunity to test some other, a report would be great.


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Postby bobbens » 07 Mar 2005 20:32

main private error: option glx-shm does not exist

That's not really an error and it's fixed in the development version.
Thought so, because it runs fine.
Some others people have reported the same thing. Does it happen only with glx or also with xvideo or x11 ?
Yup, haven't gotten it working any way, but i remember back when i used KDE and --please stay polite-- it worked fine, although the sound was messed up.
It might be link to your windows manager. Which one are you using ?
Fluxbox for the win. Got sick of fat desktop managers so i've switched to a fluxbox/gnome hybrid i've cooked up. The thing is i get fullscreen with other apps just fine like blender, nwn, mplayer... Just crashes vlc. I'm thinking about getting more x-window-system libs, since i've installed very few (trying to keep a minimalistic install), i'll try to figure out what's crashing it. Oh and another thing, if i do start videos in fullscreen it works fine, though it freezes my x-window-system so i can't exit or do anything and have to ctrl-alt-backspace to get out. BTW the resize works fine, if i make my vlc bigger it makes the image bigger, so it doesn't seem very logical, i've done a preliminary aptitude search for glx-shm, glx and shm and haven't turned up anything usefull (just in case), but i'll just keep trying xlibs until it works or someone posts a better solution. Thanks.

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Postby The DJ » 08 Mar 2005 14:48

I did hear problems with fluxbox before.
might be a hidden problem there.
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Postby bobbens » 08 Mar 2005 18:33

I did hear problems with fluxbox before.
might be a hidden problem there.
The wierd thing i find is that it works fine in full screen (besides freezing other x apps) if i tell it to automatically open new files in full screen, yet it crashes when it tries to change, i'll get to testing out libs today, hopefully i'll be able to fix it.

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Postby xtophe » 08 Mar 2005 18:36


This is currently investegated by Gibalou.
A workaround seems to use --*-altfullscreen with * =[x11,xv,glx]


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Postby bobbens » 08 Mar 2005 18:47


This is currently investegated by Gibalou.
A workaround seems to use --*-altfullscreen with * =[x11,xv,glx]

Same effect as using open apps with fullscreen, works fine, but when i try to hit esc, or "f" it just freezes and sound keeps on playing, must ctrl+alt+backspace out and startx again. You sure it isn't a missing lib? (i doubt it, since mplayer and others work fine).

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