Save Your Equalizer Settings!

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 26 Oct 2009 18:39

Save Your Equalizer Settings!

Postby BkWdsDrftr » 26 Oct 2009 19:40

It's bothered me for a while that the EQ doesn't save it's current settings. But after poking around in the options, I found what may help. This is for the latest version I have: 1.0.2 'Goldeneye'

First thing to do is adjust the EQ to where you want it, and then write down the settings for each slider. There should be ten numbers, plus the preamp which is saved in a different place. At the bottom of each slider is a number with the letters 'dB', those are the numbers to write down, not the frequency numbers just above those. You will notice the dB numbers changing as you adjust each slider, the text size is really small on my monitor, but I was just able to read those. So, with the preamp and eq dB numbers written down, you can try saving those. You don't need to write 'dB' after any of those numbers but write down the '-' for any number that you adjusted lower than zero. Close the EQ window.

In the tools menu choose Preferences.

At the bottom left corner of the preferences window, there is a box called 'show settings' with the choice of 'simple' or 'all', click on 'all' - the window will reload with more options available. VLC will not remember to have the preferences window load this way, which might be best.

On the left menu bar, click on the 'Audio' and then click on the word 'filters', there should be six choices. Check the box for 'Equalizer with 10 Bands'.

Now in the left menu bar, under the 'filters', click on 'equalizer'. Next to 'bands gain', there is a text entry box, if you hover over this entry box, a help hint pops up with what you need to know. Mainly, you need to write that string of ten numbers with a space between each number, including '-' on numbers that have that. The buggy thing about VLC is that it won't do all this automatically!

Now, just below the 'bands gain' is 'global gain'. This is where the preamp level is set.

Make sure you save all that on the preferences window. Next time you start VLC, you should hear a difference (I hope...) But if you check the EQ, it will have all it's sliders on zero like nothing was changed. That's just another bug. Don't adjust them, listen for a difference. Also, I've noticed that moving any slider will disable the settings you saved in the preferences and the sound will go right back to the flat adjustment. Restarting VLC will go back to the saved settings.

Hope this helps

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 16 Feb 2010 09:11

Re: Save Your Equalizer Settings!

Postby HyabusaMan » 16 Feb 2010 09:12

thanks that worked great just as you said it!

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