vlc player is not playing video on certain site

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vlc player is not playing video on certain site

Postby selmixxx » 05 Dec 2009 20:12

i get no video on some pages with live cameras. for example http://iptv.antik sk or http://live.antik.sk
all i get is black rectangle and "waiting for video"
when i check error console in firefox i see there this item:

Code: Select all

Error: vlc.log is undefined Source File: http://iptv.antik.sk/kamery Line: 405
when i check what is on script on this line i see this content:

Code: Select all

function doGo(targetURL) { var vlc = getVLC("vlc"); var options = new Array(":aspect-ratio="+aspectRatio); vlc.playlist.items.clear(); while( vlc.playlist.items.count > 0 ) { // clear() may return before the playlist has actually been cleared // just wait for it to finish its job } //var itemId = vlc.playlist.add(targetURL, 'antik', options); var itemId = vlc.playlist.add(targetURL); if( itemId != -1 ) { // clear the message log and enable error logging vlc.log.verbosity = 1; vlc.log.messages.clear(); // play MRL vlc.playlist.playItem(itemId); if( monitorTimerId == 0 ) { monitor(); } } else { // disable log vlc.log.verbosity = -1; alert("cannot play at the moment !"); } };
error is on line: vlc.log.verbosity = 1;

i see that on this page they still recommend vlc player 0.8.6, but i use 1.0.3. will i have to downgrade to have this working, or is this error completely unrelated and error must be in something else?
i tried to contact webmasterbut i never got any reply, so think if i want to have it working i must take care of it myself... :(

thanks for any hint how to make it work

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15329
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: vlc player is not playing video on certain site

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 05 Dec 2009 21:43

vlc.log was removed from Javascript for security reasons.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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