Why won't VLC play my .trp files?

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Why won't VLC play my .trp files?

Postby Rob00 » 26 Sep 2009 07:17

I've been waiting for a long time for VLC to play one of my most used file formats. They are .trp files. They are videos created by Satellite PVR receivers, specifically ViewSat brand. I've been using VLC for a long time on both Win and Linux, and it has never been able been able to play them. With the release of 1.0.0,I was disappointed that they still won't work.

I don't know too much about the format, but I do know in what software it does work. It doesn't work in every video player I've tried, but only in a few.

It works in MediaPlayerClassic on Windows, and Xfmedia in Linux. It also works in Dr. DivX, which isn't a player I know, but it does play them. It doesn't work in Totem player.

I know these files are supposed to play on VLC, but they don't.

I have a 5mb video with this format (accidently recorded garbage :P) I don't know if uploading it somewhere it would help. I wish VLC would play these files though, I hate resorting to Xfmedia, VLC is much better!

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Re: Why won't VLC play my .trp files?

Postby jeroensky » 23 Nov 2009 21:44

Good question...
Also when the recording is getting big, it's split in
and so on. My vantage HD8000S uses about +-5 GigaByte for every recording hour. :geek:
For windows we can use if nessesary AF7 http://www.fauland.com/af7.htm to merge it to one *.trp file.

Win users can then use TSremux http://www.videohelp.com/tools/TsRemux to convert the *.trp file to a *.ts file that VLC should play.
Both programs are freeware.

It'd be nice if some experienced Linux & OS-X users can give me the name of the programs that do the same as AF7 & TSremux but then under Linux/OS-X. I suppose they exists, but what are their program names so that I can install the packages.

What i do know of my Vantage HD8000S tuner:
If it's a encrypted channel(pay TV, so no Free To Air) then it's recorded with that encryption.
Then I have to play the file first on the tuner(play with no fast forward or pause) completely to get it uncrypted.
So maybe it won't play because you have a encrypted version.(I haven't tried it yet on my htpc with w2k & vlc).

But it would be cool if VLC play *.trp files.
My mobile {PSP} linksite. .:: http://sites.google.com/site/jeroenskyterritory/ ::.

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