Postby boos660 » 05 Nov 2009 11:03
This is a way that I was told would work in Windows but I am mac based so can't get this way to work.
Copy the line below into notepad and save it to say "temp.txt" in the same folder that
vlc.exe is located in.
vlc --no-video-title-show --loop playlist.m3u
Now rename the temp.txt file to say "playlist.bat". You can change the "playlist.m3u" playlist filename to whatever your playlist is called but vlc only
recognises .m3u , .pls and .asx playlist format files anything else it will try to open as a normal mediafile.
Now if you edit and change the above .bat file to this
vlc --qt-start-minimized --no-embedded-video --no-video-title-show --play-and-exit --loop %1
and right-mouseclick-and-hold then drag the .bat file onto the desktop and release then select
"create shortcut here". A shortcut to the .bat file will be created. Now if you drag-and-drop either
a single mediafile or a playlist onto this shortcut the bat file will start vlc and vlc will play the file or
playlist. Right mouse click on the shortcut and open the properties, set the "Run" option to minimised.
If you only want vlc to play the media once take out the "--loop" switch from the bat file.
This ammended line plays the video in a window without controls, the controls are minimised, if
you want to see and use controls right mouse click on either the vlc "cone" icon in the start tray or
right click on the playback displayed image, both bring up a control menu for the player.
Remember though the playlist files have to be formated correctly, I use the .m3u format which is
about the simplest, this is a simple example created by my random playlist maker program.
Can anybody help getting it to autoplay a playlist on startup on a Mac????