VLC 0.8.1 don´t stopp if i stopp at D-BOX

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New Cone
New Cone
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VLC 0.8.1 don´t stopp if i stopp at D-BOX

Postby satsepp » 23 Jan 2005 22:30

My vlc 0.8.1 don´t stopp if i stop playing at d-box.
0.7.2 (my last) stopped verry well.

Its maybe one setting wrong?

If i stopp vlx at PC (Windows 2000) i can browse and start again at D-BOX, bevore stopping i get no file Informations.

Thanks for any Help.

D-BOX Philips 2xI
D-BOX Sagem 1xI (Using with Videolan)


Postby ChriZ » 03 Feb 2005 17:23

I have the Same Problem.
0.7.2 stops well and i went back to it!

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