flipping videos from being upside down

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Dale Dugas
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flipping videos from being upside down

Postby Dale Dugas » 25 Jul 2009 16:37


I recorded some video using my little pentax vid camera and I did so with the camera sideways so the vids come out sideways when played on the media player.

Anyone know how I can turn the videos over so they play regular?

I thank you for your help ahead of time.

be well,

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Dale Dugas
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Re: flipping videos from being upside down

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Jul 2009 17:12

Can you fix it with the Effect and Filters?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: flipping videos from being upside down

Postby brigrove » 28 Jul 2009 15:39

Easy to fix using video effects - geometry - rotate
But how to save it?

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