I found a batch conversion script on the wiki but I am not entirely sure exactly which options need to be changed or if the script can be adapted at all. The script is:
Code: Select all
for A in *.avi; do \
echo ************************* $A ********************* ;\
vlc --sout-all "$A" :sout="#transcode{...}:\
std{access=file,mux=avi,url=~/$A.avi}" \
vlc://quit -I dummy ;\
done ;\
Xdialog --title 'Complete' --msgbox 'All done' 0 0;
I'm fairly certain that in addition to the extensions, of course, the mux= value needs to be changed and options need to be placed in the curly braces after "#transcode". What those would be I am not sure and cannot seem to find information about. I am running VLC 1.0.0 (from a PPA) on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.
I would like to learn how to do this in VLC so I don't have to download other programs to do my conversions. Any help or insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance!