I am really wanting to use VLC and I have been goofing around with the settings for a good hour or so to see what I can do to maximize the experience. I have found that I can get really great video playback if I daisable the audio. Well I was wondering if there was some audio setting I have not tried that would really decrease the CPU usage and allow me to hear what is going on but it need not be spetacular sound, (as VLC usually does) just the minimum sound quality will do. I know about the buffering trick and some others, but the audio seems to really have an effect on the video skipping/stalling alot. I really notice this when there are songs and alot of sound effects taking place but durting normal dialog it runs pretty smooth.
OS X 10.3.2
450 G3..... (I know, I know..... I need a new computer)
1gb ram installed
playing .avi, .xvid, and .ogm from disk
Thanks for the help in advance.