VLC fails to play recorded DVBT mpeg stream

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VLC fails to play recorded DVBT mpeg stream

Postby oldman » 21 Apr 2009 14:26

I recently got a new DVBT stick which comes with a Win32 software called Arcsoft TotalMedia 3.5. This software records the video broadcasts as mpg files, and while Windows MediaPlayer as well as Linux Mplayer, Kaffeine, Xine all can play this mpg file just fine VLC refuses to play it on both Win32 and Linux.
On Linux I can see this error message when I launch VLC 0.9.9 from bash:

Code: Select all

libdvbpsi error (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 11, expected 0) for PID 0 libdvbpsi error (misc PSI): Bad CRC_32 (0xa8d33c02) !!! libdvbpsi error (misc PSI): Bad CRC_32 (0xa8d33c02) !!!
the last line then repeats a bunch of times....
Here's such a file for download so that you can test self what goes wrong.

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