Normalizer issues

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 30
Joined: 25 Jun 2004 21:37

Normalizer issues

Postby SoftwareDave » 14 Dec 2004 18:52

Windows 2000 Pro SP4, 640Mb, 1.4GHz Pentium 4, NVIDIA GeForce 2 MX
VLC 0.8.1, but also comments on nightly build 20041213.

1. 0.8.1: when I select Extended GUI/Audio/Volume normalization, the CPU usage of VLC goes to 98%, and it becomes unresponsive. Soundblaster Live! audio card, homebuilt box. This seems to be fixed in the nightly build, however, and it doesn't occur on another machine I have.

2. Both versions: the "Maximum level" slider on the Audio tab of the Extended GUI does not get loaded with the saved preferences value, although the saved value is used. For example if I drag the slider to the right, save the preferences, stop VLC, restart VLC then the slider is over at the left again, although if I look in preferences/modules/audio filter/normvol, the max level is, for example 9, and that is the level that is being used.

3. You probably know this. On the nightly build when it starts, I get an error message:
The application or DLL C:\Downloads\vlc\vlc-0.8.2-svn-20041213\plugins\libts_plugin.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.
Heh. I like that. "Installation diskette". That's gonna be a big diskette :)

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