Problem with "Now Playing"

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 28 Mar 2009 21:52
VLC version: 0.9.8
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Problem with "Now Playing"

Postby dKmps » 28 Mar 2009 22:24


I have the VLC v0.9.8

First, I was having problems with the scrobbling to, but when I fixed it, then the problem was the msn.
I had the interface control format in {0} - {1}, but in msn with the "Show what I'm listening" option (in spanish is like that literally) just show me the "title", I have to go to the track information (or ctrl + i) "do nothing" in the Artist field and "save" and just then the msn shows me the Artist and the Title.

Before, I had the artist and the title in the title field, e.g. "Title: The Spinto Band - Atari" but for the thing I changed that, then I put "Title: Atari", "Artist: The Spinto Band", (Sometimes the Vlc don't remember that information and, I have to edit again), like I said, the interface was working like {0} - {1} but suddenly appear this problem, I tried to prove something putting "{0} - {1} - {3}" and "{0} - {1} :B" (xD) and the problem was always with the "{0}".

Some help please?

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