Can not stream content from capture card

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Can not stream content from capture card

Postby ajwillys » 14 Jan 2009 20:28

Hey All,
I'm new to VLC and capture cards but I am trying to get this working for my church. I need to be able to capture input from a Hauppauge card (WinTv-Theater) and then stream it to another computer in real time. I'm able to get a file to stream from computer A to computer B and I can also view the captured content locally on computer A but I am unable to combine the two and stream the captured content.

In case it matters, I am using UDP Multicast and both computers are Windows XP. I'm pretty much just using the defaults. I have no restrictions so I can use any streaming method but haven't gotten anything to work yet. I'd also be willing to use a different OS (which is what our next step is) on the capturing computer (computer A). Any help is appreciated.


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 14 Jan 2009 20:21

Re: Can not stream content from capture card

Postby ajwillys » 15 Jan 2009 02:41

OK, I figured out one problem.... I wasn't specifying an output and it was trying to send raw video. Now, I am able to get it to send but the quality is very bad and it doesn't seem to be using the built in encoder to send it. I was hoping to send the stream unchanged from the encoder over the network to reduce the strain on the sending pc. Anyone know how I do this?

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