I am getting 2 tracks from a stream one of which is video and the other some properitory data.
The propertitory data contains coordinates to fray some shapes like lines and rectangles.
I am able to set the FOURCC code for the tracks being received (say i set it to 'S','U','N','4') and I modified the codec modules\codec\svcdsub.c to identify itself as the decoder for my properitory track.
Now I want to draw the shapes .... from the code in svcdsub.c, I gather that i need to create a "subpicture_t" unit fron the data that I receive in the decoder. If I have the coordinates corresponding to the ends of a line say, x1, y1, x2, y2, would there be an example I can refer to for create a "subpicture_t" unit that represents a line?