VLC is a sanity saver! Thank you!

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 31 Aug 2008 01:41

VLC is a sanity saver! Thank you!

Postby whoopseedaisee » 31 Aug 2008 01:47

I recently spent a small fortune (for me anyway) on some dvds from Australia. I live in the US and knew I'd run into compatibility issues with my home tv & dvd player, but figured they'd at least be playable on my laptop. Well, they played in Media Player but the video was choppy at best and the audio was rarely in sync. I downloaded VLC and doubt I'll ever use Media Player to watch something again. Thanks to the creators!!!

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 01 Sep 2008 16:02

Re: VLC is a sanity saver! Thank you!

Postby jsmcelroy » 02 Sep 2008 05:35

Another newbie here. I can only concurr that VLC is a great product. I've an aging agp system and use it mainly for photo editing and watching movies. I recently gave it probably the last update by putting in an nVidia 7900gs card. Well the drivers that are used with the card interfered with my Intervideo plugin which allowed me to watch movies with MediaPlayer. I was using the trial version of the nVidia plugin which worked but didn't allow me to bookmark, etc etc. I found VLC and could not be happier! Nice work! Thanks to all the great people who have contributed to making VLC such a sweet product which has full functionality. :D

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