I'm testing 2 media sources linked below. I'm using VLC 0.7.0-test2 and the mp3 test file streams in fine, but both test files lock up. Its an
http server, and my OS is WinXp. I load the sources as they are below. I tried it clicking file tab, then: "OPEN FILE & OPEN NETWORK STREAM" and pasting full link below. I played with the settings in VideoLan but still cant figure out correct ones for streaming these files, can someone tell me how the VideoLaN settings should be. Everything plays fine in VideoLan when I play it directly on my computer, streaming from site have video lock up problem..... MESSAGES says: avi error: resync failed
===========link========= ===============size=======
http://www.pcstadt.com/downloads/streams/test1.mp3 3mb
http://www.pcstadt.com/downloads/streams/test.mpg 20mb