Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

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Blank Cone
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Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby hecram » 29 Jan 2008 23:00

Hi, I am telecommunication enginner and I am doing my thesis about Digital TV. I need to make a demo and I would like to use VLC since I need to modify the code to introduce new data afterwards.

I am trying to stream two movies into a transport stream between two VLC (Server, Client). I have a file with estension *.ts which I have created with other program(Elecard) to put into a transport stream two movies. Then I try to stream this file (*.ts) with VLC Server and select which one I want to watch in the VLC Client.

The problem is that VLC only let me choose the channel I want to watch in the server not in the client where it is logical to make the action to choose what channel I want to see and, I have seen through TSReader (a transport stream analyzer) that VLC is only streaming one of two files depending on which I choose in my server instead of the client. My unique purpose is to put two files (movies) in one transport stream and then choose what I want to watch in my client VLC.

I created the file (*ts) because I don´t know how to achieve streaming two movies in the VLC without having to create a TS. If is there any way to do this please tell me. If there is any choice to stream my transport stream with my two files at the same time and then decide which want to see in my client please tell me.

I would be very grateful if anyone can help with this issue. I am willing to evolve the VLC source to achieve it too.
Héctor Rámila Vicario.
Telecommunicaton Engineer UPC Barcelona.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 29 Jan 2008 23:08

You should ask on IRC about that. But I don't really udnerstand the problem. all pid are streamed but one only read ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby hecram » 30 Jan 2008 02:26

Sorry if I haven´t explained properly. I have commented this problem through the forum because I thought that it was the best way. I´ll try it on IRC too although I am going to explain again here just in case if anybody wants to reply me here.

I have a file: mux.ts created by Elecard. Inside it I have multiplex parts belonging of two movies. First I have divided each movie in video and audio streaming and then I have created the "mux.ts" with two programmes(movies) and four streams( two video and two audio), two for programme, where each one is the audio and video of the each movie. Then I have in my file "mux.ts" two programmes corresponding to two movies, then I have two PMT tables.

The problem is that I was trying to streming (UDP:unicast to my own IP address) this transport stream "mux.ts"with two VLC in my own computer, one works like server y the other like client. I expected it would receive the file "mux.ts" in my VLC client where I would be able to choose in the "Navigation Panel" between of two movies I was streaming through "mux.ts". But I only can choose the movie in the server not in the client, so curious becasue it´s no worth to streaming a transport stream where the client can´t choose the channel.

Afterwards I streamed the "mux.ts" again but I checked the streaming with TSReader ( which is able to read the PSI tables in real time my VLC server is streaming the file) and I realized that in the transmission there is only one PMT and not two. That´s why my VlC client can´t choose between the two programs and I only can do it through the NAvigation Panel in the VLC server. After I turn on the option in Open file, Dump Advanced Setting-> Choose all elamtary dump "sout-all"( sorry I have the Spanish version and I don´t know if the traslation is properly) at the end of the window. Then I check the streaming again with TSReader and I see that the VLC server is streaming my "mux.ts" with one PMT but with four ES, two belong to the video movies and two to the audio movies and my VLC client can´t show any.

I don´t know why my VLC can´t send the "mux.ts" with the two PMT, one for each movie.

If there is any solution which offers the same result is good. I need to stream a transport stream with al least two PMT to decode the source to change automatically between them.

Thanks again.
Héctor Rámila Vicario.
Telecommunicaton Engineer UPC Barcelona.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Jan 2008 04:54

Have you tried --ts-all-es-pid or similar options ?
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Blank Cone
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Re: Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby hecram » 30 Jan 2008 12:49

Hi thank you for your reply. I have not tried this option since I am using my VLC in windows but I think I will start trying in Linux. Anyway I am trying to find anywhere with the options' documentation of vlc because I have the documentation of but I´d like to find something much complete, can you tell anywhere? I think the vlc "man" command can give more information about this issue too.

Héctor Rámila Vicario.
Telecommunicaton Engineer UPC Barcelona.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 30 Jan 2008 18:41

vlc --help --advanced-help --longhelp
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Stream 2 movies into a trasnport stream problem

Postby hecram » 03 Feb 2008 13:20

I have been trying to multiplex the both programs in the same transport stream at the same time in two PMT. Changing the options in the Settings, Muxer TS I have been playing with the settings "Set PID to ID of ES", "nº programs PMT", "Mux PMT (--sout-ts-es-id-pid)", getting several results but anyone has been the desired. I think the problem is the sintax on time to write the options. Now I have this option in this way:

nº programs PMT-> 1,2. I try to mean: I want two PMT with number 1 and 2.
Set PID to ID of ES-> enabled
Mux PMT (--sout-ts-es-id-pid)->{17,18},{19,20}. I try to mean: program 1 has the ES 17 and 18 and, program 2 has the ES 19 and 20.

The result of this configuration is several PMT but in only one is muxed one transport stream and this program change the content when I choose in the server the program, but always the VLC server only multiplex one program of two.

Is there anyone who can help to write properly the sintax for the option "Mux PMT (--sout-ts-es-id-pid)" (which specify which PID´s to add each PMT) to multiplex the two programs at the same time under two diferent PMT?

I would be grateful of whatever aid anybody could give me.
Anyway, Thanks.
Héctor Rámila Vicario.
Telecommunicaton Engineer UPC Barcelona.

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