Amino Aminet110 startup problem

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Amino Aminet110 startup problem

Postby quauhtlimtz » 08 Jan 2008 00:56

Hi, everybody:

I just boguth an Aminet110 STB, however when it starts I can see the "Amino" logo on TV and after a few seconds the STB restarts automatically. While the STB is online, I can do a telnet and when i run a "ps -edaf" I get this result:

AMINET login:

AMINET login: root


BusyBox v0.60.3 (2006.02.06-13:28+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

[root@AMINET]# ps -edaf
PID Uid VmSize Stat Command
1 root 412 S init
2 root S [keventd]
3 root S [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
4 root S [kswapd]
5 root S [bdflush]
6 root S [kupdated]
8 root S [mtdblockd]
9 root S [khubd]
49 root 420 S /bin/syslogd -C
88 root 148 S dhcpcd eth0 -t 15 -i Aminoaminet110fisys -p aminet11
239 root 1504 S daemoniser STBremoteconfd
240 root 424 S sh -c STBremoteconfd
243 root 412 S init
244 root 428 S /bin/sh /etc/init.d/rc 5
246 root 2008 S STBremoteconfd
270 root 1504 S daemoniser nano-X -p
271 root 424 S sh -c nano-X -p
272 root 6388 S nano-X -p
274 root 436 S /bin/sh /etc/init.d/rc5.d/S04rc.minerva start
293 root 1596 S /mnt/nv/utelnetd -d
349 root 1428 S /bin/flashled 2 3 3
350 root 432 S -sh
358 root 404 R ps -edaf

Does anybody knows what could it be wrong?


New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Amino Aminet110 startup problem

Postby Maulkin » 16 Jan 2008 16:57

I just boguth an Aminet110 STB, however when it starts I can see the "Amino" logo on TV and after a few seconds the STB restarts automatically.
Does anybody knows what could it be wrong?
You seem to be trying (or have tried) to upgrade the box. It may still be trying to get an upgrade over multicast... try dumping the network traffic, and searching this forum.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Amino Aminet110 startup problem

Postby Pulsar » 01 Jun 2008 09:59

quauhtlimtz, how did you telnet STB? You have found ip with some kinds of ip-tools programs? What login and password did you enter?

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 22 Jun 2008 06:18

Re: Amino Aminet110 startup problem

Postby hankb » 22 Jun 2008 06:32

I get my cable through FTTH and an Amino STB.

The Amino boxes are relatively easy to get into. I just started looking at mine tonight, and after I connected to the closed Amino network (by spoofing a mac from my STB on my laptop), I ran nmap to look for available hosts - when you can establish that one of the available hosts is your STB, you can telnet into it using "telnet [insert the ip]" and root & root2root as the username & password. It takes you to a busybox prompt. I would strongly recommend against telnet-ing into someone else's STB as this is likely to upset the provider/ISP/owner.

My next goal is to figure out how to identify channel streams and pick them up with VLC (so I can record them). I monitored some traffic with wireshark, but I'm not familiar enough with the stream to identify a streaming channel. If anyone has ideas on how to pick up a video stream I'd appreciate it. I have a basic understanding (i think) that channels multicast ... but... that's all I know.

I am considering (!?) copying the directory structure from my Amino box and either dissecting it, or merging it with a desktop linux installation to see if I can pick up channels/record. This is all a new frontier for me! I was so pleased using Knoppmyth before I got IPTV, and now I'm just dying without the ability to record!!

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