Hi all,
I've got a buncha movies on my desktop computer, and an AiW card hooked up to my receiver/tv.
I've got a laptop that I'd like to use as a "remote control" to play movies from my desktop on my tv as easily as possible. I've been using UltraVNC to connect laptop to desktop, then playing movies in VLC. This is kinda cumbersome.
Today I found out about the http interface business, and that looks really awesome - just the sort of thing I could use. Except that it's way to "basic" to be used on a day-in-day-out basis. (For example, there's no way to browse for files to play via http interface.)
I'd like something cooler, slicker, easier, faster, and better than what I've got going. Are there any enhancements to the http interface in the works? Alternatively, is it possible to get VLC to interface with something like Coppermine Gallery? (that'd be awesome)
Or something totally different that hasn't occurred to me - how do you folks get movies from desktop computer to television?
thanks for any insights,