*Curious* What ended up causing that infamous "timing screwed" pitch shift issue when seeking that's been fixed in 4.0?

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New Cone
New Cone
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*Curious* What ended up causing that infamous "timing screwed" pitch shift issue when seeking that's been fixed in 4.0?

Postby literaldehyde » 30 Jul 2023 05:46

**Just curious about the technical reasons behind it, if anyone knows.**

I'm referring to the bug where when seeking rapidly in an audio track, particularly .mp3 files, the pitch would distort (usually lower) for a few seconds before correcting itself. In the debug, it would show lines like:

Code: Select all

playback too late: up-sampling timing screwed (drift: ) playback too late: up-sampling

I've noticed this bug for the better part of a decade, cross-platform (Win + Android), and I remember it being immune to all the different audio output module, resampler, and time-stretching options.

What ended up causing it and how'd you guys fix it?


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