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Can Work on DOcumentation... it's interesting...

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 21:59
by SMandell
THis started out as a challenge to me to set VLC as prefered player on my macbook.
But, I'll be pleased to work on documentation.

I can document anything I can understand.
That means I can reach the user level quite readily.

Perhaps you have a documentation structure that you we have partly completed that includes a list of feature and "guides" that might be needed.
I'll review the ones that are done,
and work on a) understanding, with the group's help, the function and then b) produce a working document for review by the forum mambers.

How does that sound?

Stephen :P

Re: Can Work on DOcumentation... it's interesting...

Posted: 04 Sep 2011 11:49
by ivoire
Most part of the documentation are written in the VideoLAN wiki :
This wiki is not really well written so if you have time and motivation to improve the articles and write new one (like tutorials or article about specific features), you are really welcome. That's an important work that unfortunatelly we don't have time to do.

Re: Can Work on DOcumentation... it's interesting...

Posted: 19 Apr 2013 14:27
by ligegeorge
love to do power point tutorials or quick start