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Blu-ray Compatibility

Posted: 13 Jan 2011 06:35
by Illyriad
Hi, I recently posted on a thread regarding VLC Player and Blu-ray compatibility - whether it's coming or not. I realise as Sony owns the rights to all the information you need to get this done you guys would probably have to pay out the nose to intergrate Blu-ray codecs and whatnot and I'd really like to help. VLC Player is the best you can get (even better 'cause it's free) and I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I started a Facebook group or fanpage to encourage people to donate towards providing compatibility for Blu-ray movies. With that in mind, do you know how much would be needed to be raised in order to the ball rolling? And anything else you might want mentioned on the page?

Regards, Olli

Re: Blu-ray Compatibility

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 00:16
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
We don't need Sony to get blu-ray playback. Stay tuned...

Re: Blu-ray Compatibility

Posted: 14 Jan 2011 12:14
by Illyriad
Oh, sweet XD Nvm then

Brilliant work on VLC btw.