found a way to crash VLC...need tests

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found a way to crash VLC...need tests

Postby n_smith_n » 06 Nov 2009 19:01

Please test on different hardware maybe it's only on my laptop...i hate this happens to VLC as i simply love it. Thanks in advance...
1. open VLC
2. open "Media"/"Open network stream..."
3. insert an url of an online radio (i used .m3u and .pls - test example:
4. press "Play" button
5. select "Audio"/"Visualisations"/chose any except "goom"
6. open "Tools"/"Efects and Filters"
7. chose "Video Effects" tab
8. checkmark "Sharpen" and move the activated slider max to the right
9. press "Close" button
10. select "Audio"/"Visualisations"/chose "goom" visualisation .........The player crashes :P :?:

By the way, VLC is fantastic, I use it for everything. I found the above by mistake. Running windows 7 ultimate, intel celeron M, 1,75GB, 32-bit OS, laptop Toshiba, 1GB ram, Ati radeon 200M video. Hope it's not the hardware...

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Re: found a way to crash VLC...need tests

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Nov 2009 19:39

File a bug, please.
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Re: found a way to crash VLC...need tests

Postby 3breadt » 24 Nov 2009 12:25

Might be the slow hardware, although I could not reproduce that crash on a 1.6 GHz Intel Atom w/ 1GB RAM also on Windows 7 32-bit.
-- 3breadt (aka altglass)

New Cone
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Re: found a way to crash VLC...need tests

Postby n_smith_n » 25 Nov 2009 20:11

I still not isolated the hardware but i suspect it's about ati drivers. I'll keep this post for another week and than delete it and file a bug as j-b sugested. Thanks for the help aLtgLasS and j-b

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