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! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 04:24
by Synetech

This thread may not be help the team with code, but it is meant to help with morale; a thank-you thread.

I want to give a big thank you to the VLC team for this great video player. I particularly want to thank you guys for the 1.0.1 version. I appreciate the better FLV playback. More importantly, it has fixed the variable-speed playback so that the pitch of the audio remains unaltered, changing only the tempo. Also, with previous versions, altering the speed would cause VLC to start hiccuping after a while, requiring a quick double-SPACEBAR hit (pause/play) to fix it.

The variable-speed playbay is really useful. I personally use it to more quickly get through movies and tv shows that suck. It is really annoying to sit through programs that are boring or downright bad, so being able to zip through them in ¾ to ½ the time is wonderful. Since 1.0 came out, I have on several occasions kicked myself while trying to watch something boring to reminded myself to hit Num-+ (sometimes twice!) I love being able to get through stuff much faster, and thus waste less of my life. :D

Thanks again.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 04 Sep 2009 11:09
by CloudStalker
Sup! Nice thread Synetech has going here. :) What? Of course it's completely unique, why would Synetech think that someone else has made threads like this? :P Naw, CloudStalker is just messin with ya, it's all good. :wink:

Yup, VLC media player is awesome, despite j-b's involvement in it. :P But seriously, nice work to all the developers, and yes, that includes j-bizzle. :D Well, catch yaz on da flip side. Hey, what does that mean anyway. :?

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 10 Sep 2009 20:55
by doomonyou
This is the best media player I have used on any platform. Thanks for taking the effort to code the amazing piece of software.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 16 Sep 2009 12:20
by nameblank
Here's a little trick to make VLC open quicker
Instead of clicking on a media file to open & play it with VLC, (which in my experience can take up to 30 seconds)

Just open up VLC.exe on its own (takes a few seconds) then load your media files to the playlist and your done....much quicker...

--Looks like they still haven't fixed the Batcave sounds when Spatializer is enabled.....oh well probably have to wait for VLC 2.0.....LOL

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 09:34
by CloudStalker
Here's a little trick to make VLC open quicker
Instead of clicking on a media file to open & play it with VLC, (which in my experience can take up to 30 seconds)
lol. Seriously? CloudStalker has never had to wait that long after clicking on the icon in the explorer. Weird. :? Well don't know what else to say about that one.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 01 Jun 2010 13:06
by thekillersguy
Keep up the good work!

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 19 Jun 2010 13:46
by g00gl3
Thanks you.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 07:33
by Ilasir
Though I'd drop by and add my thanks to the list.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 25 Jun 2010 16:54
by kurkosdr
I also want to give my big thanks to the videolan team.

I still remember that in 2003, I had to rummage through various media players like FLV player and Divx Inc's player, tolerate Quicktime getting possesive on my system and PowerDVD's double windows. Not to forget WMP, which,as the versions progressed, it devoted less and less space for video, even in full screen.

Now, I just install VLC and forget about different formats. Also, I love the fullscreen controls, the ability to jump to 3 seconds ahead or behind and of course the quality of the video playback.

Keep up the good work.

Thankyou VideoLAN Team - Leave Your Thanks!

Posted: 05 Jul 2010 04:37
by hotblooded
Thankyou Jean-B and the VideoLAN team for a wonderful free, flexible, feature packed media player.
Constructive input from users via this forum is invaluable to you developers and the best thing about that is you listen and act to correct bugs and improve the product.
Pioneering any invention can be a bumpy road to perfection, but by the looks of things the VideoLAN team have missed most of the potholes along the way, and ended up with a great product that was truly needed for today's advances in media entertainment. I'm sure down that road you will sort all the bugs out and end up with a version that you can be even more proud of than you are right now. Congratulations and Thankyou Jean-B and the team.

Re: Thankyou VideoLAN Team - Leave Your Thanks!

Posted: 05 Jul 2010 16:36
by VLC_help
Topic moved

Re: Thankyou VideoLAN Team - Leave Your Thanks!

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 00:24
by hotblooded
Many thanks VLC_help for moving my post to the appropriate section. I was quite unsure myself where was the best spot for it.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 27 Jul 2010 04:37
by lapunluyang
Thanks for your work! :lol: :lol:


Posted: 14 Aug 2010 03:41
by modulo4
Sorry for the next but my english is not perfect.

Je voulais juste poster mes remerciement les plus sincère a toute la communauté
qui travail a la contribution, l'évolution, la maintenance et la distribution de VLC.

Certains pourraient dire que faire un don serait une bonne façon de remercier et de concrétiser mon acte,
certes je le ferai aussi, mais je tenais quand même à remercier par écris tout ses développeurs et ses personnes
qui passent beaucoup de temps a faire de se Freeware le meilleur lecteur multimédia actuel, et même plus encore !

Je m'en sert au quotidien et je n'ai nullement envie d'utiliser un autre logiciel car celui la est parfait, simple et complet.

Merci VLC !

Re: Remerciement

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 13:50
by CloudStalker
Sorry for the next but my english is not perfect.
Don't worry about it, modulo4. Appreciation transcends language. But, ah, whadya say? :P

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 17:58
by Relensio
I absolutely love VLC and use it constantly. One issue that I have been having is that my E:/ drive no longer works. Whenever VLC tries to locate a disc it automatically chooses this one and can't find a disc, so I have to manually change the drive to my F:/ drive every time. My suggestion is to put an "always use this drive" choice on the Open Media, Disc Selection, Disc Device, portion. This would make it easier to use. I don't know if this is the appropriate thread to post this, but I want to emphasize how much I enjoy using this program. Thank you.

(If there is already a way to do this, please let me know)

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 05 Dec 2010 22:57
by mohamedeimo
we love vlc and its users is increasing very speed .
I found this good player by luck and from this time I use it.
we can't deny that vlc needs alot of improvements but we know that its developers do thier bests so we should thank them.
thanks a lot , vlc team.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 09 Jan 2011 21:00
by tradebit
Changed from windows to linux a few years back, found VLC the only working choice to watch videos in HQ, changed back to windows and kept VLC as my default media player. Stable, slick and without the noise! Folks, good work!

VLC & 3GP files

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 17:22
by DaveLan
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I have recently downloaded VLC after a few months hiatus. Originally I was told on these forums that VLC couldn't play 3GP files with sound & vision, & could only play vision. However, this recent release CAN play sound & vision. It is far better than using QuickTime, which is anything but 'quick'.

I'd just like to say thanks for a fantastic free video player. VLC is superb! 8)

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 23:02
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Yes, this was added lately...
And next version will add even more of this...

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 18 Jan 2011 23:56
by DaveLan
Yes, this was added lately...
And next version will add even more of this...
Excellent! Keep up the good work. :D

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 20:43
by kris

Please stop this awfull job....if you need a non working streaming solution please have a look at vlc.

In addition, please rewrite your docs and your wiki because actually it doesn't help in any way.

...and stop advertise VLC as a streaming server because it has no features for that...not even a daemon...

...and let me laugh regarding VOD manager via Telnet... VLC is :
- non working as a streaming server
- not a server
- not secure
- very badly documented

use it if you have time to loose for no gain


Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 07 Mar 2011 23:46
by krisisbitter
Well team, allow me to say that,
it is a great honour to write to the distinguished and honourable team of
Thank you very much for creating such a nice media player for FREE.
Thanks to the donors and contributors who supported the project as well and
make it possible to distribute it free.
I appreciate your hard work and time.

Please stop this awfull job....if you need a non working streaming solution please have a look at vlc.
In addition, please rewrite your docs and your wiki because actually it doesn't help in any way.

...and stop advertise VLC as a streaming server because it has no features for that...not even a daemon...
...and let me laugh regarding VOD manager via Telnet... VLC is :
- non working as a streaming server
- not a server
- not secure
- very badly documented

use it if you have time to loose for no gain
kris, kris...

if you are so dissatisfied then perhaps this project is not for you? Why waste your precious time registering an account to be so vitriolic?
this is not what people do kris. It changes nothing and is therefore neither here nor there. No one promised you these things in this project.
Did they? If they did, were they any of the people who have sincerely given of their efforts to any of the aspects of the project you so righteously dismiss?

Hmmm... things to think about kris.
BTW my username was chosen in 'your honor'.

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 18 Apr 2011 06:16
by scottbomb
Thank you very much to all those who have written and contributed to VLC! I also am very grateful for the source code. I'm a software engineering student and having some real source code to look at is very helpful!

Re: ! VLC Appreciation Thread

Posted: 02 Jul 2011 21:42
by TheBigTime001
Yup. VLC is awesome. I love it because it can handle so many things well. I had practically given up on finding a free programme to play DVDs and FLV files, so when I discovered VLC 1.1.9, I just had to download it. I am a tweak-freak, so the huge amount of configuration options really appeals to me. In fact, more than once these options have turned an unwatchable media in to a watchable one. I hope the VLC programmers keep up the good work, 'cause I can't wait for VLC 1.3.0 to come at least to the git channel, because I expect the amount of awesome features included to double in the next year or so. I was an avid WMP and MPlayer user before I discovered VLC. Now I'm so happy with VLC I use it all the time. :-)