Greetings . I used VLC Media Player for a while, switched to KMPlayer and due to their recent virus issue, am looking at VLC again. I love open source software. I'm a Windows guy by the way with no experience using Linux--yet. One day when I find the time I'll download a Linux distro and devote some time to learning it.
One of the things I wanted to do is download the VLC source and spend a few hours looking it over tonight. I doubt I have the skill to be a contributor, but you never know. I can learn anything and I love writing code. Problem is that the source is archived in a xz format which is quite obscure. In fact, this is the first time I have ever encountered that xz format. There are not a whole lot of programs available for Windows to extract from that format. 7-Zip is one. Not much else.
I am wondering: is there any advantage to archiving the source code in a xz format instead of a more widely used gz or other format? Seems to me this is just another roadblock one has to get around and I cannot see any point in erecting roadblocks unless you are trying to keep people out of your clique of Linux wizards. As much as I want to look over the VLC source code, I can't say I want to download and install 7-Zip to use it only one time.