Finanzial Support by Fan Collectibles

Want to help the VideoLAN project? Designers, testers, translators, please come...
This is NOT about GETTING some help.
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Please read the forum's rules carefully before posting. This forum should not be used to post VLC usage related questions.

What do you think of a VLC shop to buy VLC fan articles to financially support the project?

Cool (let me be the first to buy something there!)
OK (not for me but maybe many others would buy there!)
No votes
Nope (dump it!)
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New Cone
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Finanzial Support by Fan Collectibles

Postby tcs75 » 28 Jul 2013 14:49

Hi there,

I'm using VLC player on different platforms since many years. Many thanks for your efforts to build such a great player.

Still I wonder if anyone ever considered using merchandising stuff for funding the project (like other open source projects do).
I did some (rudimentary) research on the www and here in the forums but couldn't find any hint to get VLC mugs, t-shirts, pens etc.

Speaking for myself, I could imagine to buy a VLC t-shirt to support the dev team ;)

You could let fans buy the stuff in the "get goodies" section of the "Contribute" menu or setup a separate VLC-shop.

If I'm barking up the wrong tree and there's already a possibility to get my VLC t-shirt please let me know ;)


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