[Proposal]Are there any plugins for vlc player?

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[Proposal]Are there any plugins for vlc player?

Postby Delta-Surfer1319 » 01 Aug 2008 19:13

using vlc player I saw that there are no plugins for this very good player available,
for Microsoft WMP you can choose some plugins for these are not the best but Ithink it is better that witout

Today I found I very interesting plugin for WMP that shows lyrics by playing a song in WMP.
But I don't like WMP so it would be great if plugin interfaces would be created like at Firefox to extend vlc player more individual.

Thank you for reading my proposal
greetings d.1319

PS: I can not program, so it would be great if the development of a plug-in interfaces also described the plug-in for the lyrics would be created ;)

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: [Proposal]Are there any plugins for vlc player?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 01 Aug 2008 21:16

No, you cannot use that in VLC.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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New Cone
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Re: [Proposal]Are there any plugins for vlc player?

Postby Delta-Surfer1319 » 12 Aug 2008 11:13

The Microsoft plugin will not work is clear. If vlc player also will not be expanded?

If it is, it is a pity.
Thank you for reply. ^^

Greeting d.1319

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