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Low quality Spanish translation...

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 21:13
by Valtiel
I once corrected totally the Spanish translation, and I see that it again contains linguistical mistakes. What's the matter? If you tell me where I can download the latest PO file, I can correct it again...


Re: Low quality Spanish translation...

Posted: 27 Mar 2012 00:05
by miliuco
Este ZIP contiene los archivos MO y PO, los he corregido quitando faltas de ortografía, cambiando textos que no encajan bien en sus cajas y algún texto más que no me gustaba.

This ZIP contains both MO and PO spanish files modified by me, correcting misspellings, texts overlapping its case, inadecuates... I think like Vaitiel that spanish localization of VLC 2 has low quality.

Greetings, Emilio.