I am on a crusade ! Well, in all seriousness .. Often and I mean a LOT of the time , not sporadically , installers really don't pay any attention to the actual reality of how somsone's windows is installed.
Over the years I have seen ...Windows Installers choosing installation language based on :
IP .. Very bad this one , my country for example has an isp covering 3 official languages.
Keyboard layout..
As a person who lives in Belgium - which has 3 official languages - and uses windows in English , I can pertinently say polling those settings are NOT the way to go.
There is only 1 place in the registry an installer should look for which language to install a program in and that's the registry equivalent of this value :
I think it's nice to try and accommodate installers for different user preferences , but if it fails time after time in real life situations it defeats the purpose.
I also understand it's not always easy for english speaking devs to take these things into account , hence my feedback.
These are my first 3 tabs and kb settings as reference : http://i.imgur.com/bTFng.png
Believe me on this one , how the installer works now - and i'm not sure what you guys are checking for during the install to determine the language - it really doesn't work as intended.
I hope this post will be interpreted as being the constructive feedback it's mean to be.
Kind regards.
EDIT: Aparently setting the laguage to "auto" in the main program has the same issue , it's not only installer.