Translate to Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR) Metadata

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Translate to Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR) Metadata

Postby mayconhvab » 14 Jun 2022 17:55

Hello developers and translators I would like you to translate some information that is located in audio metadata in .flac and .mp3 format
The version I am using of VLC Media Player is 3.0.16
The following information is: ALBUMARTIST, DISCNUMBER, Lyrics, LABEL and BARCODE

I am writing this information from Portuguese Brazil, because I am Brazilian, I want you to translate this information into Brazilian Portuguese, because for me this information is in American English.
I will also leave the print link and audio information.

Translate to PT-BR language, this translation is valid for: Windows, MacOS and Linux

Link of picture:

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Re: Translate to Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR) Metadata

Postby Lotesdelere » 15 Jun 2022 11:33


These are the names of the tags. This is a standard so these names can't be changed in any way.

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