Helping to translate VLC

Everything related to VLC media player translations: new translations, corrections, ...
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Helping to translate VLC

Postby leuce » 07 Mar 2008 14:16

G'day everyone (and Videolan)

I lead an opensource volunteer translation project, called Decathlon. We try to get volunteers in various languages to commit themselves to translating 10 opensource programs this year. We would very much like to give our volunteers the opportunity to translate or help translate VLC, but I'd like to make sure we don't step on anyone's toes :-)

We prefer that "our" translators make use of the web-based system, Pootle, for translating the various programs. This makes it easier for a group of friends to work together, and the translators are likely to remain for translating other programs as well (instead of staying with one project only).

Basically, if one of our volunteers indicate that they want to translate VLC, and there is no maintainer for that language, we would inform VLC about their intention, and then we'll create an account for them on Pootle so that they can do their translation on Pootle. So essentially this would not interfere with the existing system of VLC of organising translators.

I would also like to invite VLC's existing translators to make use of Pootle, if you don't object. Not all translators will like Pootle, but some might.

Our Pootle server is here: There isn't much on it right now but that is because I spent the bulk of my time up to now canvassing the project and getting translators. We don't yet have translators in all the languages listed on that page.

I look forward to your response.

Samuel Murray
Decathlon project leader

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Helping to translate VLC

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Mar 2008 17:06

We don't care about how you do the translation, if you give us a .po file at the end, encoded in UTF-8.

If you do that, then fine, otherwise, we won't be able to integrate your translations.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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