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run vlc in php on local server-client

Posted: 28 Dec 2011 08:34
by wimvan
Hi all,
Sorry for this probably recurrent question but I can't find nowhere a working answer, neither a clear explanation ...

I have a web-application using PHP as language to maintain all my images (120.000) and all my avi's, mov, mwv ...
Now, I want to play an avi, mov, ...them when I hit the link in the web I created.

So, to be clear, I do not need a download because the server is my desktop and the goal is just a local, yes local utility.
I want to use or a plugin or ... without the need having internet-connection to the outside world. All is running local

In php I can use the exec()-function, but I'm not sure at all how I have to write the commandline. I need a full-screen-interface with of course the control-buttons from VLC.

Can some-one help me in these ?
The goal is really having a player who is independent from a internet to the outside-world. I use Apache, Mysql and php.
If the plugin works offline, why not, but how must I write the needed code ?

thanks in advance

Re: run vlc in php on local server-client

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 09:37
by Sourcery
Hello Wiman,

(edit I forgot the port number in ipadress)

I am also working on something similar and here is a simple solution for web scripting:

The simplest way is to start vlc with the http-protocol, and from your PHP page just send commands to the status.xml file.

EG. like this: http://your.ip.address.123:8080/request ... d=pl_pause
This command will pause/play the current file in the VLC playlist.

To start playback of a file you simply do a <a href="" for the file to the UNC and or local path if it is a local file like so:
<a href="http://your.ip.address.123:8080/request ... .mp3">Play musicfile</a>

to ADD a file to an already playing playlist you change the command from in_play to in_enqueue.

A simple way to solve it. You have to use iFrames though since AJAX requests isnt possible because of the access-control-allow-origin header, which is where I got stuck at the moment... :)

Hope this helps... and let me know if you need more help/info/ideas.

Re: run vlc in php on local server-client

Posted: 29 Jan 2012 09:41
by wimvan
But, vlc starting up with http-protocol ?
Can you furnish me some small code because I'm completly lost
Everyone is speaking about FLV, but I just want showing video on a local client that is also the server and converting to FLV has in this case no sense


Re: run vlc in php on local server-client

Posted: 20 Feb 2012 21:53
by mysoogal
you need

php5,apache2, vlc 0.9.9 - full install including Mozilla plug-in

you need to upload files to your htdoc or www from this zip file

you need to open index.php and find and replace with your IP

move all your files to uploads , now you can stream them on vlc

plugin does not work with vlc 2.0

Re: run vlc in php on local server-client

Posted: 11 Mar 2012 14:01
by tittbit
your are working on local right?
u might me using a xampp or wampp.
in this case you do not need to write a php command.
you can use blue voda website builder and there is a inbuilt command that inserts a plugin in the page in which u can insert any type of video.

it is as easy as drag and drop, but if u need to customize it then u can just first create the page then copy the source code and then customize it according to your needs