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vlc crashes due to libffmpeg.dll and msvcrt.dll.?

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 14:44
by prince2485
my vlc gets crashes in every 2 hours around.
version: vlc 0.8.6c,
windows xp professional.
reason of vlc crash : libffmpeg.dll and some times even msvcrt.dll.
I m doing udp streaming on multiple vlc instance.
Also i want to remove some plugin,but dont know which is necessaryor not..?

reference link: (But i didnt understood whether is it resolved or not)
any other solution..Thanks in advance..

Re: vlc crashes due to libffmpeg.dll and msvcrt.dll.?

Posted: 26 Sep 2011 15:12
by Sébastien Escudier
vlc 0.8.6 is not supported anymore.

Re: vlc crashes due to libffmpeg.dll and msvcrt.dll.?

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 07:09
by prince2485
thanks for quick reply,but newer version doesnt support multiple instances of vlc.I tried all version till 0.9.6.
Newer version only supports maximum 3 instance of vlc.

Re: vlc crashes due to libffmpeg.dll and msvcrt.dll.?

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 07:35
by prince2485
Can anyone xplain,what is ticket..?
what is this link means to the corresponding bug... :
i know 0.8.6 is not supported anymore but i still want to know what is there in that link,,a solution for the bug or else?
I m struggling with bug.? In which version this bug is solved?