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VLC Webplayer with auto crossfader

Posted: 24 Sep 2011 13:33
by MrMcMedia
I´ve spent some time to get a DJ double player on top of the VLC Moz plugin.
It was a little bit tricky to realize the autocrossfader, but it works as a charme now.
I named it MrMCMedia´s MediaStormXXLDJP.

Here you can see a lowres preview of it:

If enough people are interested, maybe it will be released.

The requirements for the player are:
( apache ) webserver with php, current IE, Opera or Firefox Browser, Google crome doesn´t work with to VLC instances.
VLC >= 0.9 with enabled Mozilla plugin ( enabled checkbox while installing )
After extracting the MrMcMedia folder to your web root, you have to put some music or video stuff to the subfolder media
and to call the local or in your lan positioned website of the player.

There are features like timer start, video fullscreen switching, auto fadein /out auto crossfading, speed change, cue play, shuffle play and so on.
The fader modes are single player fadeout/in, double player doublexfade and loop playing for both modes.

The goal was to get a nice webplayer for my EMTEC Movie Cube.
I´ve also tested on a AVM FritzBox 7270, a Win 7 PC and an Ubuntu Linux.
It´s almost platform independant.