Need advice on building a karaoke system with VLC activeX

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 10 Jul 2009 02:48

Need advice on building a karaoke system with VLC activeX

Postby jacky912 » 19 Sep 2011 10:04

Dear all,

I am building a karaoke system for my home and successfully play the video file and change the audio track or channel after the file played.
However, I tested the following 2 methods to pre-set the audio track or channel before the video displayed. None of them success, please kindly advice:
1st method: set option on the playist add method: vlc.playlist.add(mrl,name,options). It works for audio track but not channel
2nd method: Disable the video (vlc.CtlVisible = False) and set the audio to mute, then pause the video. Setup the track or channel and enable the video again. Unfortunately, the video still shown when I set the .CtlVisible = False

Is there anyway to overcome the above problem? Your valuable comment is highly appreciated.

Thanks you very much.
Jacky Wong

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