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Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Posted: 19 May 2011 17:13
by VlcUser1982
I am developing in C# (.NET) and currently have a VLC ActiveX plugin working fine with an older version of VLC installed (1.0.5). A previous developer generated the necessary DLL in order to allow us to embed the ActiveX VLC player in our application (AxAXVLC.dll). It allows us to create instances of a class called "AxVLCPlugin2". Another necessary DLL we use, (AXVLC.dll), comes with VLC. But now I am wanting to upgrade to the latest version of VLC (1.1.5) and hence need to regenerate the AxAXVLC.dll for that version. Otherwise, the VLC player in our app does not work. Has anyone done this or know the procedure? Thanks.
Re: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Posted: 25 May 2011 15:48
by ZeBobo5
Why don't you use Vlc DotNet for WinForm & WPF ?
Re: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Posted: 27 May 2015 23:35
by grantsss
I'm new to VLC development. I'd like to use VLC.Net.Forms to create and consume a plugin.
Would you please point me to some documentation and samples of how to do that.
Re: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Posted: 16 Jul 2015 10:57
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Don't use the ActiveX for this.
Re: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Posted: 01 Aug 2015 06:18
by xuanvuongspkt
I'm develop my system to get camera from DRV. by using C#
I'm using RTSP in VLC to show it.
I'm using Vlc DotNet for WinForm & WPF and VLC-2.2.2 built by linux
And I get problem when get --aspect-ratio 1:1 and can't take snapshot to bitmap to process before save file to dics
How can I do that !!!
Please help !!
Thanks all for help !!
Re: Generating C# DLLs for VLC ActiveX plugin
Posted: 03 Aug 2015 09:17
by camycent
At first we have to initialize VlcContext before loading VLC control on our form or code
static void Main()
//Set libvlc.dll and libvlccore.dll directory path
//Set the vlc plugins directory path
//Set the startup options
VlcContext.StartupOptions.IgnoreConfig = true;
VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.LogInFile = true;
VlcContext.StartupOptions.LogOptions.ShowLoggerConsole = true;
//Initialize the VlcContext
Application.Run(new Form1());
//Close the VlcContext