VLC mozilla plugin nowhere to be found

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New Cone
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VLC mozilla plugin nowhere to be found

Postby ettin » 06 Jan 2011 05:49

From VLC guide chpt4

Quit Firefox or Mozilla

Copy the two files in VLC_Installation_folder\mozilla (usually C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\mozilla) to your mozilla plugins directory (Usually C:\Program Files\Mozilla\plugins or C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins).

Restart Firefox or Mozilla
Ive installed the latest vlc and see no mozilla folder, nor any folder with two files. Where is the plugin located, and why am i having to hunt it down? Is this the cost of free?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VLC mozilla plugin nowhere to be found

Postby newbie45 » 13 Jan 2011 00:07

Sorry, I have no direct answer to your question. However, hopefully I may have a solution to the problem you are trying to solve.

Firstly, I don't think VLC plugin for Mozilla is operational at all. Having read a couple of threads here, I re-installed VLC v1.1.5 checking the "mozilla plugin" tickbox in the installation settings window and I could see the VLC Plugin on the list of plugins in my FireFox (Tools->Add-ons->Plugins tab) after that. However, this did not help. Still, clicking on the video-link on the web-page, I am taken to a black page in Mozilla and nothing is going on. Also, no additional plugin files have been added to the Mozilla Firefox plugin folder you are referring to.

Down with plugins. My problem was in not being able to start video automatically from websites. If you are trying to resolve the same, then simply go to "Tools->Optios" in the Firefox and select the Applications tab. You will get the list of content-to-action mappings. Scroll to the group of three entries that mention ".asx" content. Change the action for each of them to 'vlc.exe' by clicking on the current action in each entry and selecting from the drop-down list. If there is no vlc.exe on the list, use the 'use other..' entry at the list's bottom. It worked for me. Now I've got what I wanted: I do not have to copy the shortcut from the webpage and paste it into VLC manually to watch a clip.

Yes, it takes some effort to make stuff work :)

I am not good at this generally, so I may fail to help if it does not work for you but will definitely give it a try.

Good luck!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC mozilla plugin nowhere to be found

Postby jack.ting » 10 Feb 2011 10:17

Hi, I got the same problem before, with some days of hard works, today I can make it work.

A. First of all the install of ActiveX or mozilla plugin works fine, just click it when you install VLC. (I tried on VLC win32 1.1.5~)
B. Second, if it does not work, generally it's the problem of the html or javascript we wrote.

The current version of vlc plugin (no matter ActiveX or mozilla plugin) has many restrictions, you have to make sure every thing you done is corrcet exectlly. Enable the "debug function" of browser can help you to find out what's the trouble.

for example:
1. the vlc.addEventListener() function: if you just copy the code from the formal document, you'll never register the event function successlly. You have to fall back to use the DOM level 0 method for mozilla browser.
IE is ok to use attachEvent, but the Event name is not as usual as old IE conventional way (add a string 'on' before the event name)
2. the vlc.input: before the playlist is played, vlc.input does exist but access of every attribute or method of it "fail".
3. the vlc.audio: same as item2.
4. loop did not work, even you specified it in the <object> or <embed>. You have to add some code for the loop function well.
5. You have to do some extra work on which element of vlc.playlist.items array is now playing.
6. on ActiveX the vlc.audio.volume is for just the playing one, but mozilla plugin will apply to all items in vlc.playlist.
7. it seems there is a step by step state machine behind VLC plugin object. If you do "vlc.playlist.stop()" while playing media, it "may" hang for a while. But, if you do togglePause() first, then after a short time (5~20ms) stop() it, it goes smoothly. This require you to use window.setTimeout() or window.setInterval() to fire a event then check the vlc.input.state.
8. before you close the browser, you better make sure every instance in this page was closed (or paused, at least), otherwise the browser process will hanged and occupy the CPU time for a long while. There seems on way to help on this issue, by register the "onunload" event or even the "onbeforeunload" event does not help. But pause them manually (by human interface) before you close the browser do help.

There are the facts I found in these few week on scripting a demo page using vlc plugin.
Hope this helps to everyone.

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