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Multiple VLC plugin instances on Google Chrome
Posted: 25 May 2010 18:14
by mreichenbach
I've been using Google Chrome and the VLC plugin for some time now. Recently I bumped into a problem: I can't have two instances of the vlc plugin running side by side in Google Chrome. The second instance just shows a transparent space, not even the black "loading video" box.
I've tested this in Windows 7 and windows xp. Also tried it in Firefox and it does work fine in it.
Any ideas? has anyone been able to run two instances of the plugin in Google Chrome at the same time?
Re: Multiple VLC plugin instances on Google Chrome
Posted: 25 May 2010 21:32
by Ilasir
Same thing happens to me on Vista. No idea how to fix it.
Re: Multiple VLC plugin instances on Google Chrome
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 19:33
by TheSandyWalsh
I'm getting the same problem. VLC 1.0.5 Goldeneye and Chrome (45376)
Re: Multiple VLC plugin instances on Google Chrome
Posted: 16 Jan 2011 22:28
by meteornp
the same problem after 8 months, i do not know if it is chrome or vlc bug.
windows, vlc-1.1.5, chrome 8.0.552.237...
simple test html, that works fine in mozzilla and opera:
<html><body><embed type='application/x-vlc-plugin' width='300' height='200'><br><br>
<embed type='application/x-vlc-plugin' width='300' height='200'></body>
... in chrome -> just one plugin is loaded (black window), the other one shows "missing plug-in".
Re: Multiple VLC plugin instances on Google Chrome
Posted: 25 Jan 2011 10:32
by LarryDar
The problem is fixed in Chrome v10.0.649.0 (Developer Build 72470). ... l?id=70602