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What can the ActiveX control do?

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 19:41
by guy.joseph

I found the ActiveX control avaliable with VLC media player yesterday and started having a play with it.

I'm currently developing a program to play sound effects to a cue for a theatre. I need two players, that can be faded, panned and load tracks quickly, and above all are stable! I use Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2008, and I have very little knowledge of other languages than VB!

I realise that there is no GUI with the plugin, but I wonder if some of the following things are possible (and if they are, any advice on how I go about doing it would be appreciated!):
  • Playing sound to different hardware outputs - on my current computer I have a soundcard with 4 stereo outputs, each recognised by windows as a different device. For example I want player 1 to play to device 1, player 2 play to device 2.

    Effects and Equalization (I know this can be done in the normal VLC player)

    Packiging the ActiveX control with my distribution - do I need to include anything else or credits?

    Showing a VU (volume) meter - I have a control that functions as a nice meter, I just need some way of joining it to the output of the player
I think that's everything. If anyone has and ideas for how I can make this happen, or another alternative, that would be great!

Thanks very much

Guy Joseph

Re: What can the ActiveX control do?

Posted: 29 Mar 2010 19:17
by whome
I think ActiveX plugin is not an answer, it have a very very limited interface. I don't know if there is VB header files available. Most people here probably use C/C++/C#/Java, minority use Delphi. Header files are ported to those languages so VLC is fully exposed. ActiveX interface is not a full representation of vlc engine.

ActiveX plugin C# Vu Meter

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 00:29
by topteks
Is there any way to access the Vu Meter with the ActiveX plugin. I have written a C# application that uses the ActiveX plugin and works great, however, I need to add functionality to display a meter showing the volume levels. If the ActiveX control cannot accommodate, any other suggestions?