http-caching not working as expected with moz plugin
Posted: 25 Apr 2009 22:45
Heyas. I'm not seeing behaviour as expected with caching in the moz plugin. I'm using 9.9a from the ubuntu repository. When I run vlc from the command line with: (content-type: video/mpeg) it buffers for 10s and plays flawlessly, even over the occasional wifi hiccup. When I try to reproduce the same behaviour with the moz plugin via:
I don't see similar buffering happening. By inspecting the state I see the same split-second buffering as if it were not being passed http-caching at all.
Is there an alternate way to specify the http-caching option to the plugin? Has anyone had success with http-caching and the moz plugin?
Code: Select all
vlc --http-caching=10000 http://cap:2080/live/stream
Code: Select all
var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc");
var options=new Array(
vlc.playlist.add('/live/stream', null, options );;
Code: Select all
var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc");
vlc.playlist.add('http://cap:2080/live/stream', 'Live Stream', 'http-caching=20000');;
Code: Select all
var vlc = document.getElementById("vlc");
vlc.playlist.add('http://cap:2080/live/stream', 'Live Stream', ':http-caching=20000');;
Is there an alternate way to specify the http-caching option to the plugin? Has anyone had success with http-caching and the moz plugin?