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*SOLVED* VideoLan and VIsual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 16:45
by Hani123123
Hello there. I am a beginner in Visual Basic and at the moment I am developing an application that runs National Televisions in Romania using Windows Media Player via mms streams. The application is under testing but can be downloaded from and is freeware.

I am in desperate need for any informations regarding the possibility of impementing the VideoLan player within a Visual Basic form.
Basically, the VLC Player will load within the form, and it will connect to some URL-s by pressing some buttons (pretty much as it works now with Windows Media Player).

Anyone that wishes to help will be ofcourse be mentioned in the "Special Thanks" column in the "About" section of the application. Also, we'll make a direct link on the About section of the applications directly to

Thank you very much and please if you have an ideea let me konw, as i am desperate to pull this trough! :D

Re: VideoLan and VIsual Basic 2008 Express Edition. URGENT!!

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 18:34
by revolunet
like always in VB, import the videolan dll in your project, then explore it from the object explorer, then you''l see the light

Re: VideoLan and VIsual Basic 2008 Express Edition. URGENT!!

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 22:27
by Hani123123
Merci Monsieur!!

Please let me know if by videolan dll you mean axvlc.dll.
And by Object Explorer you mean Object Browser..

The reason I ask you is because as I told you i'm a begginer so I like to know things for sure :)

PS: Thank you again for your effort to reply my desperate thread!

Re: VideoLan and VIsual Basic 2008 Express Edition. URGENT!!

Posted: 18 Feb 2009 09:07
by revolunet
yes thats what i meant, the dll in main vlc directory

also look : ... d_above.29

this is the api that you'll find when exploring the dll in vb

Re: VideoLan and VIsual Basic 2008 Express Edition. URGENT!!

Posted: 18 Feb 2009 20:25
by Hani123123
You are a gentleman.

Thank you, this thread has been very useful for me!