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Latest ActiveX issues on Internet explorer

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 19:46
by SyRenity

I found 3 very serious issues in 0.9.x versions (0.8.x didn't work at all with multiple VLC per page).

1) The latest ActiveX seems not to be compatible with IE6. The browser closes immediately when a page with ActiveX is loaded.

2) The ActiveX sometimes closes IE7 as well - without any error message - just closes the whole window, with all the tabs. Most frequently it happens when the user switches to a full screen when double clicking the ActiveX.

3) When the ActiveX first loaded, it appears out of browser a stand-alone window, titled "Hardware YUV DirectX output". This window closes after several seconds and moves to it's positions on the page, but during this time can be moved and closed by the user (via X).

These 3 issues make the ActiveX unusable in many scenarios (IE6, multiple windows on IE7, etc...). Any idea what can be done in order to resolve it?


Re: Latest ActiveX issues on Internet explorer

Posted: 12 Sep 2008 08:48
by Beardless2
Agree - the multiple activex issue has been around for far too long and I think it should be looked at with more priority. Im sure its a difficult bug to find but the vlc coders are very good so im sure they could crack it if they spend some time on it