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Mozilla plugin can support video/divx mime type

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 11:48
by notmistaken
Why isn't it supported by default?

To enable the VLC mozilla plugin's support of the mime type, video/divx, all you need to do is modify the file, mozilla/vlcplugin.h and add the lines,
/* DivX */ \
"video/divx:div,divx:DivX video;" \

to the definition, PLUGIN_MIMETYPES, then run make and make install. Then this allows the VLC plugin to handle the HTML embed type="video/divx".

Since DivX have not released a Web Player plugin for *nix users (only Windows and Mac), I think this would be nice to include in a future release of VLC.

Re: Mozilla plugin can support video/divx mime type

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 18:20
by Leinekuh
I'm having serious troubles using the divx webplayer, firefox and windows. Could you tell me how to atomaticly load vlc player plugin in windows firefox instead of divx player plugin?

Thanks in advance!