What's the best way to build an App around VLC

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Blank Cone
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What's the best way to build an App around VLC

Postby rleeson » 08 May 2007 21:52

Hi All,

I’m looking for some advice… What’s the most straightforward way to build a windows application around VLC???

I’ve been working on a streaming video application based on VLC and I have been able to demonstrate all of its functions using command line or VLM interfaces… Now I’m looking to wrap the functions in a GUI shell to make it “user friendly.” I want the user interface and display function to run on an MS Windows (win2k or xp) machine. I have a built a Linux based app to take live video sources and broadcast them on the net… I want to build an App that will let a windows pc access those streams and be able to display them live, record them, play them back and do some configuration of the “headless” Linux box.

I’ve read about a lot of problems trying to use the ActiveX interface and I’ve tried without success to get vlc to talk to Visual Basic and with HTTP in a web page… There must be something I didn’t get from the code fragment in the wiki and here.

I was hoping someone could point me to the source of some working apps that I could dissect to figure out what I’m not getting…

I was also looking for a simple answer about what I need to compile, recompile, load, patch, etc to get access to VLC from something I can use in building a GUI.

Thanks for your kind help…


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Re: What's the best way to build an App around VLC

Postby jasonphos » 08 Oct 2007 21:07


Did you ever have any luck creating a windows application that uses vlc? I'm thinking about doing the same thing for displaying vlc movies. Actually, I'm interested in displaying multiple movies in full-screen mode on multiple monitors. I can see how to do this from the command-line, and I've even done some basic tests to be satisfied that it will probably work. The only thing I haven't tested is multiple monitors, since I just have one, but I've done a lot of research, and It looks like it'll work...

My next step is to do this from a program, and I figured I would use the ActiveX controls.... Do you think this will work, or is there a better way?

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Re: What's the best way to build an App around VLC

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Oct 2007 23:51

ActiveX ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
http://www.jbkempf.com/ - http://www.jbkempf.com/blog/category/Videolan
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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Re: What's the best way to build an App around VLC

Postby jasonphos » 09 Oct 2007 21:42

Hi J-B,

Now that I have your attention, can I ask a question?

I'd like to write a Windows Application in Visual Stuidio 2005 .NET. My windows application would have a window that displays a VLC Media Player window. Furthermore, I might like to do things with this VLC Media player window, like start play, stop play, add items to the playlist, set it to fullscreen, etc.

Finally, I'd like to be able to create multiple .NET windows on multiple monitors, each with their own VLC Media Player window inside, and for them all to play video and display correctly. What is the best way to go about doing this?



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Re: What's the best way to build an App around VLC

Postby divx118 » 10 Oct 2007 21:42

Instead of the activeX you can also use the .net interface made by Tappen. I gives you some more controll then the activeX.

Look here http://wiki.videolan.org/.Net_Interface_to_VLC for the wiki page.

Maurice 8)

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Re: What's the best way to build an App around VLC

Postby MuNk » 11 Oct 2007 22:53

im not sure what can be considerd the best way to build around VLC, but i have found that the activeX component works like a treat, just take a bit of work to get use to how to control it ^^.

allthough the only problem i have had is being able to set the position the video should play from like skipping 90 frames or somthing..


ok never mind, worked it out now.

pause the video and incress the DefaultInterface Postion by 0.001 - 0.01 depending on how much you want to skip or decress it to rewind.. :)

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